Court warns against delay of rioters’ trial

Court warns against delay of rioters’ trial 

An Ikeja Magistrates’ Court has threatened to strike out the charge against 28 persons standing trial for the March 3 riot in Mile 12.
Magistrate Y.O. Aje-Afunwa issued the threat following the absence of the prosecutor, Mr Jide Martins, when the case came up last Friday.
Martins, Assistant Director of Public Prosecution told the court on March 10 that the government has taken over the prosecution of all the suspected Mile 12 rioters numbering 177.
Twenty-eight of them were arraigned before Mrs Aje-Afunwa.
At the resumed hearing last Friday, Police prosecutor Etim Eno-Edobor, a Chief Superintendent (CSP) and the defendants’ counsel, Michael Oni and Chief S.A. Bello, were present in court, but the DPP was not represented.
Defence counsel urged the court to strike out the two-count charge for lack of diligent prosecution.
But, Mrs. Aje-Afunwa declined, saying she would grant one more adjournment in the interest of justice.
She warned that if the prosecution is not present at the next hearing, the case will be struck out.
She adjourned the matter till June 10.

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