Whereas I condemn in very strong terms, the falsehood and attempt blackmail fabricated and spread by paid propagandists cum rumour mongers about the state of Udung-Uko Legislative Chambers, may I therefore seize this opportunity to disabuse the general public that there is no iota of truth in the said malicious publication which aims at nothing other than to defame, denigrate and malign the image of our Local Government Area and her Leadership. It is in the light of the above that the clarification below becomes germane.

It should be noted that 25th June, 2018, witnessed the formal delivery and receipt of foreign and state-of-the-art office furniture ordered for the fixing of Udung-Uko Legislative Chambers. Premised by the fact that there was nothing left of the Hallowed Chambers by previous administrations, save an empty building, the Council boss, Hon. (Elder) Okon Esin Oku, in his thoughtfulness considered it wise to provide a more congenial, conducive and a comfortable working environment for members of his legislative Council. This particular action greeted applause and encomiums from the public including the opposition.

However, due to high level insecurity of the legislative building (a lone building) situated at the distance of about 1.5KM away from the main council areas and occasioned by the fact that the building had suffered and is still suffering from a number burglary cases including that of theft of furniture few years back, the aftermath of which resulted in the death of a Councillor while others sustained different degree of injuries. This undoubtedly, remain same reason why the current administration inherited an empty building as a Legislative Chambers. The above notwithstanding, preliminary efforts by the current administration towards fixing the Chambers recently met a brick wall as the building was again burgled and valuables worth thousands of naira carted away by the hoodlums. Hence, the reasons why an ALTERNATIVE AND A TEMPORARY LEGISLATIVE CHAMBERS was provided pending the provision of a permanent solution to this perennial security situation of the area.

Nonetheless, the falsehood downloaded and propagated on the Social Media space is untrue, and could best be described as a coordinated blackmail by unscrupulous political elements who are bent to wrestle the people’s oriented Chairman of Udung-Uko Local Government Area. In this, out of pomposity and gross ignorance, they defy wise counsel and refused the temporary usage of the chambers so provided. Therefore, this show of shame and malicious action is not only baseless, but senseless and presents the LEGISLATIVE ARM as a FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER for sponsoring a campaign of calumny against the image and reputation of Government.

To this end, let me say that the people’s oriented Executive Chairman of Udung-Uko LGA, Hon. (Elder) Okon Esin Oku, is not distracted by this gimmicks, but remained focused and committed to give his people emancipatory governance. Equally, I therefore, implore the reading public to please, disregard in totality these lies coined from the pit of hell.

***For the avoidance of doubt, please refer to my brief update of 25th June, 2018 released at about 2:54pm as shown below with pictorial evidences.

Babros Eduno
SA Media & Publicity to the Executive Chairman,
Udung-Uko Local Government Area.

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