Trump’s San Diego rally hampered by outbreak of scuffles

Trump's San Diego rally hampered by outbreak of scuffles 
There were pockets of scuffles at Donald Trump’s rally in San Diego as riot police fired pepper spray at protesters who were causing trouble when the presidential nominee was addressing party supporters at the city close to the Mexican border.
San Diego police department said on Twitter, that the initially peaceful gathering was deemed illegal when the crowd’s behaviour became “unlawful”.
Waving US and Mexican flags, more than 1,000 people had turned out for anti-Trump rallies in San Diego, a city on the US-Mexico border whose San Ysidro port of entry sees nearly 300,000 people a day cross legally between the countries.
Reports say the crowd became agitated when Trump pledged to build a wall around the city if nominated as the Republican candidate.
San Diego is considered a binational city by many who live and work on opposite sides of the border, and about a third of the city’s population is Latino.

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