R. Kelly can not change

49-year-old R&B legend R. Kelly knows how to shoot himself in the foot. The ‘Ignition’ remix singer is in the news for dating a 19-year-old girl by the name of Halle Calhoun who oddly has the same chest tattoo as Rihanna

Rightfully, R. Kelly has received backlash from the public for having an affair with a teenager again.

 Remember how the singer raised eyebrows when he secretly married late R&B singer Aaliyah (who was 15 at the time) in 1994. This is statutory rape by the way. 

The marriage was later annulled but R. Kelly has more sordid stories from his past with underaged women.

 Can anyone forget the Pied Piper of R&B was taken court in 2002 when he was indicted with 12 counts of child pornography?
R. Kelly was never found guilty but the ugly narrative has stuck to him like glue ever since.

 In the world of pop music the underaged stories have followed him around.

 Popping up with a 19-year-old as his mistress shows that R. Kelly does not give a hoot about his negative public image.

 Couldn’t he date a 25-year-old? He is 30 years older than his new girlfriend.

 That means Halle Calhoun wasn’t born when ‘I believe I can fly’ came out in November, 1996. 

That is just so odd and unsettling. 

Yes Tyga can date Kylie Jenner but when it comes to R. Kelly we have our strong reservations. 

R. Kelly was on his way to becoming arguably the greatest R&B singer until he got hit hard with the accusations that he forced several underaged girls to have sex with him.

 While it has tarnished a bit of his career R. Kelly is still a star who is still making millions for his record label. 

How has he remained active with these dark clouds hovering above him?  It's baffling really in this age of Smoking Gun and other sites dedicated into digging up the dirt on celebrities. 
On the other side of the backlash, some people see nothing wrong with R. Kelly dating his teenage hottie. 

For one he was never found guilty of sex with a minor and secondly it's not a crime dating someone 30 years younger than him. 

Why we are in uproar over R. Kelly’s latest girlfriend is because of his rich history with girls.

 In 1996, a woman by the name of Tiffany Hawkins, from Chicago, filed a suit against R. Kelly. 

In her suit she claimed Hawkins said she “suffered personal injuries and severe emotional harm because she had sex with the singer and he encouraged her to participate in group sex with him and other underage girls,” which was reported the Chicago Sun-Times.

Tiffany Hawkins who claimed she was 15 years old when it happened asked for $10 million in damages.

 She later ended up with $250,000 in January 1998. 

If you follow the bread crumbs then you will see a disturbing pattern with the accusations R. Kelly has received over the years.

 Could they be true? Well there is no smoke without fire. 

While some celebs would safeguard their reputation and not feed the flames R. Kelly is doing the opposite.

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