By Enobong Ituen

The Special Assistant to the Akwa Ibom state
Governor on Trade and Market matters, Akparawa
Idorenyin Raphael has pledged to uphold the
integrity and profound reputations for the best
growth of cooperatives in Akwa Ibom State.

The Governor's aide made this known when he
received an award of excellence for his
commitment and consistent effort in matters of
cooperatives in the state.
He received the prestigious award of excellence on
Saturday, 1st July ,on the occasion of this year's
International Day of Cooperative Celebration with
the theme "Encouragement and Promotion Of
Cooperative Business Approach among All Traders
" in Akwa Ibom state.

Presenting the award to the performing Governor's
aide ,the Special Adviser to the Governor ,Bureau
Of Rural Development and Cooperatives ,Hon.Mrs
Ekemini Umoh extolled the superlative
contributions and performances of the Pioneer aide
to the Governor on Trade and Market matters to
the affairs of cooperatives in Akwa Ibom
state,hinting that the award was a reward for his
meritorious performances in the cooperative and
the state at large .

In his response ,Akparawa Raphael ,who spoke on
behalf of other awardees appreciated the Bureau Of
Rural Development and Cooperatives for honouring
them with such prestigious awards and promised
to justify the good gesture made featured through
the award presentation and also promised to do
more in their different offices ,so as to aim more

The august event also witnessed the presence of
the wife of the Governor ,Mrs Martha Udom
Emmanuel members of the state executive council
led by the commissioner for women affairs and
social welfare and dean college of commissioners
to the state Governor,Mrs Glory Edet ,Coordinator
(Family Empowerment and Youth Reorientation,F
EYReP),Special Assistants to the Governor,different
cooperative groups across the state as well
women groups in the state .

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