We discussed in part 1 how any child of God can work their way up to
becoming a friend of God. Provided that certain prerequisites are met, any determined and dedicated believer can truly become a friend of God.

We looked at the Patriarch Abraham and discovered how he was able to sustain this highly privileged position. Being a friend of God means that God walks closely with you and reveals to you what can be considered classified and 'top secret' affairs to you. Abraham enjoyed all of these privileges.

We shall look into another great benefit of being a friend of God today. It is imperative to note that God loves all of
His children but when you are called His friend, then the dynamics changes and the relationship takes a different

When you are a friend of God, He jealousy protects you and all that concerns you, including your relatives.

Lot enjoyed several benefits by virtue of his uncle Abraham's status with God. The blessings simply overflows and spills over! When God calls a man His friend, what this entails is, he watches your back and
jealousy guards all that belongs to you.

His angels are mandated and given special assignment to watch over you. Even Sarah at her old age was not exempted from this overflowing and 'spill over' blessings.

The only major requisite is to be in agreement with God. Remember that
for two to walk together, they must be in agreement. It is a good idea to begin to desire the things of God and
walk closely with Him. Understand that God truly desires that all of His children would be His friend.

He longs for this relationship with man. May I ask you to please pray that Gods children will truly desire this position.

Pray that they will be called friends of God. 'COME UNTO ME, ALL YE THAT LABOUR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN, AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST' Matt11:28.
God bless you all.

From, Pastor Tina( Jewels of God
ministries UK)

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