We shall look at how a believer can become a true friend of God. We will also
discuss the different types and categories of friends. Every believer must endeavour to walk closely with God in order to form a friendship bond with Him.

Friendship can only develop when it is nurtured. Understand that it is possible
to be friends with a person and never really know them.

Let us take for example the Facebook friends. Many of you have hundreds of friends on Facebook but you never
really know a thing about them. They are nevertheless considered as your friends.

There are therefore different categories of friends ranging from casual to special
friends. When God referred to Abraham as friend, it was of a true dimensional kind. Friendship with God incorporates love of a divine nature.

Let us consider another person in the bible that was considered as friend
of God. The man Moses found exceptional favour with God such that God spoke to him as a man would speak
with his friend.

A study of the bible reveals that the
friendship was established on trust.

There was loyalty, honesty, deep desire and sacrificial love involved. Moses would often go to the mountain top, away from the people in order to be with God.

It is imperative to note that in order to develop exceptional closeness with God,
you must deeply long for it. '

And ye shall seek me; and find me. When ye shall search for me with all your
heart' Jer29:13. In order to further gain exceptional privilege and be called a friend of God like Abraham and
Moses, there must be a deep desire to know God and His character.

Every believer can begin to know God through the scriptures and with the help of the Holy Spirit. It is Gods desire for man to truly seek Him. Indeed, His
ultimate desire for friendship with man was revealed through sending His only son to die for our sins.

May I ask you to please pray that children of God will seek Him with all of their heart. Like Abraham and Moses, pray that they can be called friends of God. '

DOWN HIS LIFE FOR HIS FRIENDS' Joh15:13. God bless you all.

From, Pastor Tina(Jewels of God ministries U.K.)

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