A very brief preambular sermon
It is no longer news that the die is cast for the
conduct of Local Government Election in Akwa
Ibom State.

According to AKISIEC, the election is
slated for the 11th day of November, 2017. As far
as the human mind is concerned, every
development brings a new puzzle. In this case,
some questions arising from the random thoughts
invoked into the minds of the good people of
Udung Uko from the aforestated development may

1. Is this just one of those exercises we have been
having - a matter of formalities as usual?

2. Who will lead Udung Uko out of this present
state? And

3. What do they have in stock for the betterment of
Udung Uko
Dear fellow citizens of Udung Uko, the answers to
our collective questions are not farfetched.

Just as
Romans 10:8 would say “…the word is near you; it
is in your mouth and in your heart," that is, the
message concerning faith that we proclaim”.

is the same thing I want us to know today - our
solution is staring at us right in the face; our
wishes are about to be granted; our land is about
to experience the transformation we deserve.

these and more are possible with one man – Engr.
Etim (Ben) Edenseting.
And to head out and answer the begging

1. This is not just going to be one of “those”
exercises we have been having. This is going to
be the “turning point” for Udung Uko Local
Government Area. A time of leaving behind our
antediluvian attributes and embrace real

It is going to be the time when we will
choose whether to remain in darkness or embrace
light. Remember, a candle looses nothing when it
gives light to others. The candle carrying the light
we so desperately want stands in front of us – we
must therefore, give out the mandate.

2. Leadership isn’t a thing to be toyed with. I
believe that to be a leader, one’s actions must
inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more
and become more.

A leader is one who knows the
way, goes the way, and shows the way. I do not
believe that leadership is about a title or a

A leader must be devoted to the well
being of his led -after all, it takes devotion to
encounter distinction.

There are those who are
born leaders and there are others who learn to
lead. If I am to choose, I go with the former.

man (Engr. Ben Edenseting) that I present today
has all the aforementioned qualities and more.

Those who are close to him can attest to this fact.

3. There are so many reasons why I refer to this
man as “the renaissance man”. His blueprints
reveal his undying love for Udung Uko LGA.

is a man who hates to see his people in pains
caused by sickness and poverty. This is someone
who nurses a dream of providing quality
educational, business, investment, agricultural and
healthcare facilities for the betterment of his
people. Surely, Udung Uko citizens are about
enjoying the following:

• Functional Dispensaries in all the wards

• Pay point (mini bank)at the secretariat for ease of

• ICT centers in all the 10 wards
• Training of 5o youths in Drilling and Marine

Technology across the ten wards
• Reviving the Skill acquisition centre for medium
manpower development

• Cultivation of tomatoes/cassava in large scales to
boost agricultural strength and relevance as well
as increase the revenue of Udung Uko

• Planting of rice in areas where soil confirms

• Scholarship to talented students and bursary to
students in tertiary institution

• Formation of an advisory council with 3 elders
per ward

• Provision of books to students and pupils

• Adequate maintenance of Paramount Ruler and
other chiefs’ palace etc
What more do we need? Is this not the very
answer to our prayers standing in the midst of us?
This is like a Biblical scenario where Peter, who
was incarcerated by the Jews, was released
miraculously by the Angels of God. Even though
his members were praying for his freedom, they
didn’t believe it could happen so soon.

Ladies and
gentlemen, the very phenomenon we have been
pinning for is here.

Like I motioned on the headline, it is not going to
be a long sermon. So to bring our sermon to a
close, let us take our parting words from the
scriptural book of Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers
and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble,
whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is
excellent or praiseworthy--think about such
Brethren, we can all see that Edenseting is true,
noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and
praiseworthy. Today, I charge you to…

- Think a New Udung Uko
- Think Ben Edenseting
God bless Udung Uko!

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