Nsima Ekere and the Missing Titles

With regards to Tibet Joshua's take, NDDC is not doing Akwa Ibom State any favor in the jobs they are delivering to the state.

It is our inalienable rights to get those roads from them and that right is not negotiable on any good relationship between the state government and
the commission.

We are merely getting our share of what the federal government has budgeted for the region and given to NDDC to allocate.

It will lead to contempt if NDDC fails
to deliver the jobs or stake the delivery on the loyalty or support of Governor Udom Emmanuel or any citizen of the state.

This point is very important. Secondly, Obong Nsima Ekere has done virtually nothing to Akwa Ibom State in delivering the roads and other infrastructure credited to the commission and cannot reasonably take any accolades for same.

I had expected him to direct Akwa Ibom people to rather be grateful to the President and commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammad Buhari who provides the funds and other incentives for the
commission to run.

Taking the praises and projecting himself as though he was doing the projects with his personal fund and doing Akwa Ibom State and favor, means he is up for mischief against the President and the APC federal government who should naturally enjoy the support these
infrastructure brings.

Obong Nsima Ekere is only lucky to get away with this because both the APC and the Presidency are not coordinated even at that level to monitor the espionage
and sabotage most of her appointees are causing the party by their desperation. No one would have so outshined the master and get away with it under the past PDP Federal governments.

I'm beginning to think whether APC and President Buhari means lost opportunity and wasted dream in how they are
mismanaging the fortune we won with our sweat and blood.

I'm not wishing Ekere any evil actually but I'm baring my mind on his excesses since assuming that office. He can safe himself some trouble by not taking the shine from the Presidency or the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs which his commission is under.

He should be conscious of the fact that a mere media Assistant to the Minister can sack him because NDDC is simply a
commission working under a Ministry and many steps away from the President.

On the omission of His Excellency in the address of Governor Udom Emmanuel, it is typical of the animosity and rivalry between the Akwa Ibom State government and the Obong Nsima Ekere led NDDC which in my reasoned opinion, is unhealthy and uncalled for.

It shows the disdain the commission has for the state government as evidenced in the many public fisticuffs between the

I am not persuaded to think that the omission was in any way a mistake as claimed by Obong Nsima Ekere.

No, it would not have been when considering the kind of portrait used for the governor, assuming we are to trust that the omission was a mistake.

The portrait was odd and media
people understand that portraits are expression of the news or event reported. So if the event is sad, the portrait portrays it.

The picture of the governor on the
program portrays mockery and redundancy which is simply the message that the campaign organization
wanted to pass.

We did similar thing in 2011 in the burial program of His Royal Majesty, Usonyin Okon Ekpo, Okuibom Ibibio (11 )
when we described Senator John Udoedehe as Governor 2011.

Chief Godswill Akpabio picked it up and became furious about it. We were men enough to take responsibility for it and never lied to cover our face.

A case case of mischief not expected of Obong Ekere can be established against those who handled the program
especially considering that directly opposite the next page, the same eye that vetted Obong Nsima Ekere portraits
with all its appurtenances, must have seen that of the governor which is raising dust now.

For me therefore, I cannot be convinced that was not intentional and meant
to disparage the governor.

Governor Udom Emmanuel has not actually worked to earned my respect, to say the truth. But I agree with his protagonists that Obong Nsima Ekere has treated the office of the state governor disrespectfully.

The narrative is not complimentary to Obong Ekere however. He carries himself more as the governor of Akwa Ibom State and quit often, runs into image crisis. There can never be a third government in Akwa Ibom State headed by Obong Nsima. I know President Buhari as the President and Commander in Chief of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria and Mr Udom Emmanuel and Executive Governor of Akwa Ibom State, however he got there is inconsequential now.

Obong Nsima Ekere is just an appointee of the President and must stop being a bully and drop his arrogance to recognize these two as such.

Let him not take President Buhari's achievements via the NDDC as his and let him accord the State governor his due respect.

Whenever he comes into the state, and this applies to Governor Udom Emmanuel too, let us see reasonability
and responsibility even from the escort and convoys they parade.

It is always very disgusting and brash for citizens to be brushed off by wild, long convoys as if their lives and safety on the highway does not or should not matter
to the officials in the convoy.

Or is there anything spectacular or special about the occupant of the middle
car in the vexatious convey? I don't think so because, yesterday, I bought my dinner at a fast food in Uyo with a former Speaker of Akwa Ibom State House of

He came on his own and with a car smaller than what I drove to the place. He could be richer than me but he finds it irrelevant to flaunt those wealth now
because he may attract the wrath of the people.

There was no escort and I almost asked him if he ever thought of a day like that.

For me, it is madness and nothing pretentious for occupants of tenured political offices to act with utter disdain to the people they will be meeting after they quit office.

How I wish both Governor Udom Emmanuel and Obong Nsima Ekere would understand me. I'm not insulting

I'm trying to be bold to tell them the truth no one may have told them or will ever tell them about these issues. I may not be perfectly correct, but that is my

I mean that we don't owe NDDC loyalty or allegiance.

They rather owe Akwa Ibom State and other Niger Delta States development irrespective of whether the governor or government of the states parley with them or not. I also meant that whatever they give, is given by the President and not the board and the praises and goodwill belongs to the President.

Anyone who projects himself for the glory against the President may knowing
or unknowingly be working against the President.

Just My take

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