Before you arrest, detain and charge us to court again: Tell Mr. Ephraim Inyang to pay us our money! Your Excellency, I choose to communicate with you
through this medium, because all other channels seemed unsuccessful.

My name is Gideon Ekere, the Managing
Editor of THE POST NEWSPAPERS; one of the leading state-based newspapers in Akwa Ibom State. I'm
writing you this letter on behalf of my medium and also to intimate you of the looming war between our media outfit and your government courtesy of the Honourable Commissioner for Works in your administration.

Without beating around the bush, we've decided to point our gun at the target and to state here without fear nor favour that the man you obliged for the Works Ministry in Akwa Ibom state has sudden becomes a thorn in the flesh.

He has a disgusting image at the public scene, which is why he's popularly described as a tyrant who has no pedigree and capacity to occupy any public office
even at the ward level.

No doubt that his actions and reactions in the recent past is dragging your
administration into terrible situations, which is evident in the recent allegations labelled against your government.

Your Excellency, in the twinkle of your two years in office as governor, negative reports seem to supersede others, not because of your personal lifestyle, but by
virtue of some disgruntle elements in your government who are bent to frustrate your intention (whether good or bad) for Akwa Ibom people.

They're the self-seeking demons who parades themselves as political leaders in
their various domains, who have since been openly rejected by their subjects.

They're the very ones who is equating your government with that of Evans, the
notorious kidnapper. Don't destroy your administration by allowing negative and self-centered people add gibberish and debris to your public image.

It's not compulsory that everyone who formed a political group during campaigns must be commissioner or any other political appointment.

Your Excellency, we are writing you this letter to openly register our anger and also to report to you what the Honourable Commissioner for Works in your government in the person of Mr. Ephraim Inyangeyen has done.

This is one man who has caused so much havoc in the political sphere of the state.

And I wouldn't be surprised if he plays a major role in your downfall in the 2019 general elections.

Your Excellency, during the 2017 Democracy Day Celebration in Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Ephraim Inyang
approved and commissioned our media house, THE POST NEWSPAPER to carry a two page advertorial courtesy
of his ministry, which we graciously did with the total amount of N400,000.00. That is N200,000 for each page.

(Please see pages 8 & 9 of THE POST
NEWSPAPER of Vol. 6 No 7 of Wednesday 31st May, 2017). We also want to state here that all the phone
conversations between our office and Mr. Ephraim Inyang regarding the whole business were recorded and will be provided when need arises.

Your Excellency, after spending money to publish the said advertorial, Mr. Ephraim Inyang promised to pay the following week, asking our editor to exercise patience.

After waiting for about a month, we decided to contact Ephraim Inyang again and he insisted that he was going to pay.

He requested for some time, which we granted. Weeks after, he sent the Special Assistance to the Governor on Research, Mr. Emmanuel Nicholas to get some copies of the publication, so he could begin the payment process.

Days after delivering those copies of the
publication, Ephraim Inyang became so reluctant in paying the said money.

When our office contacted him, he blatantly told us that he's not going to pay the money again, with a flimsy excuse that he never gave us any

We want to state here that all the phone
conversation we did with Mr. Ephraim Inyang are intact and we will definitely produce them when necessary because the Works Commissioner is indirectly inviting us for war, which we're combat ready.

The most shocking aspect of the whole thing is why he has decided to lie against our office, which is unacceptable.

Your Excellency, it is on record that our medium once published a story against your person, which our editor was arrested, detained and later charged to court.

The case which ended few months ago, had lasted for about two years. Though the said case had ended and the matter brought to an end, it is our belief that such ugly experience should not repeat itself again.

But with the way and manner your Works Commissioner is insulting our office, we are seeing it as an indirect way of inviting us for war, which we wouldn't hesitate in using the available legal tools within our reach to defend ourselves.

This is why we say that before our editor is arrested, detained and charged to court again, please Mr. Ephraim Inyang should kindly pay us because what will proceed his resistance to pay the said money could generate into something unimaginable.

Your Excellency, I will like to bring to your notice that most of us in THE POST NEWSPAPER have no other
means of survival other than the newspaper business.

It is what comes out of the media house at the end of the day that put food on our table. If someone should decide to cheat us by denying our rights, it's in our humble place to raise our voice to the hearing of noble fellows who could join hands in the realization of our set goals.

It's our belief that politics should be part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our society.

We should always be clear that human exploitation is wrong because it involves
humanism. And it is wrong because, like racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-semitism, classism, and all other forms
of human discrimination, human exploitation involves violence inflicted on members of the moral community
where that infliction of violence cannot be morally justified.

But that means is that those of us who oppose wrong attitude necessarily oppose discrimination against humans.

It makes no sense to say that we are leaders when sometimes we seems to downgrade the lower class by virtue of our character and the way we treat them.

We should be opposed to it and we should always be mindful of our existence because we live at the messy of the masses, because our actions could affect them negatively or positively.

The last conversation we had with Mr. Ephraim Inyang, he said that he cannot give our medium advertorial and at the same time, we attack him with our publications.

His statement is as a result of one of our publications against his person. We want to state here that THE POST NEWSPAPER is an independent media house which holds no allegiance to anybody.

We're purely into business and would never allow anybody to cage our
activities. Doing business with us does not in any way means you can detect our editorial contents.

Maybe because of an advertorial, Mr. Ephraim Inyang thought he could use it to tight us into one corner.

When he noticed that we were not ready to dance to his tune, he decided to retaliate by refusing to pay our money.
In one of our discussions with Mr. Ephraim Inyang (also recorded) he said that we have pen and paper, whereas
he has his Bible and his God to defend himself.

But we would love to ask, does Ephraim Inyang has a different God? If it's the Almighty God who sits in Heaven, which
is also our God, it means that he has a prepared place in Hell Fire.

But we would love to ask, does he even read the said he claimed to owned? We probably doubt he does, because if actually he reads his Bible, he would
have seen Leviticus 19:13 which says "'You shall not oppress your neighbour, nor rob him.

The wages of a hired man are not to remain with you all night until morning.

And also Ephesians 4:28 which says, "He who steals must steal no longer; but rather he must labour, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he
will have something to share with one who has need.

And finally, Leviticus 6 Vs 2 which says "When a person sins and acts unfaithfully against the LORD, and deceives his companion in regard to a deposit or a security entrusted
to him, or through robbery, or if he has extorted from his companion.

" Your Excellency, we will be glad if you
could please use your exalted office to compel Mr. Ephraim Inyang to pay our money and let it not last till morning.

This open letter, which is the beginning of war between THE POST NEWSPAPER and MR. EPHRAIM INYANG AND BY EXTENTION THE GOVERNMENT
OF UDOM EMMANUEL is placed on the doorstep of every Nigerian and indeed Akwa Ibomites to further explain the character of some persons who parades
themselves as leaders, political appointees in our domain.

To most them, wickedness is like food: once they've started, it will be so hard to stop; the gut expanded to take in more and more.

But in this case, we pray they don't dwell amongst us.

We are quite aware that Mr. Ephraim Inyang always uses security operatives to intimidate, maim and frustrate ordinary citizens, who oppose his satanic behaviour, we want to state here that we've submitted petitions at various quarters, should in case anything happen to any our staff. After owing us, let him come and attack us.

That could be the end of his activities here on this planet earth.

God Bless Our Land!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,
Gideon Ekere

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