ORO: Raped by her Reps.

Patryk Edeke

Rape is a word for sexual assault — usually a man
rapes a woman.

There are few words more powerful than rape, which is a horrifying crime most often done by a man to a woman.

To rape someone is to force them to have sex with you.
Rape is a preposterous, egregious, lugubrious, jejune, asinine, infantile and mischievous crime that condemn its victim to a sorry state of crinkum crankum (apologies to Hon. Patrick Obiaghon) The effects of rape can include both the initial
physical trauma as well as deep psychological trauma.

Although rape victims commonly report injuries and issues with their reproductive health after the sexual assault, rape doesn't always
involve physical force. The most common and lasting effects of rape involve mental health concerns and diminished social confidence.

Physical Effects of Rape Physical effects of rape can arise from both forced sexual assault and those not involving forcible submission, such as drug assisted date rape.

Forced sexual assault frequently causes visible bruising or bleeding in and around the vaginal or anal area and bruises on other parts of the body from coercive violence. But both forced and other types of rape can have many other physical

* Painful intercourse (with significant other)

* Urinary infections

* Uterine fibroids – non-cancerous tumors in muscle wall

* Pregnancy

* Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) – HIV, genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and others Psychological Effects of Rape
Victims experience both short and long-term psychological effects of rape.

One of the most common psychological consequences of rape is self-blame. Victims use self-blame as an avoidance-based coping tool. Self-blame slows or,
in many cases, stops the healing process. Other common emotional and psychological effects of
rape include:

* Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – feelings of severe anxiety and stress

* Depression

* Flashbacks – memories of rape as if it is taking place again

* Borderline personality disorder

* Sleep disorders

* Eating disorders

* Dissociative identity disorder

* Guilt

* Distrust of others – uneasy in everyday social situations

* Anger

* Feelings of personal powerlessness – victims feel the rapist robbed them of control over their bodies Aftermath of Rape
The aftermath of rape involves a cluster of acute and chronic physical and psychological effects.

It's important that victims receive comprehensive care that addresses both the short and long-term
effects of rape as they become apparent.

Frequently a victim's intimate relationship, if present prior to the assault, disintegrates within
one year after the rape.

This only adds to the psychological impact of the rape on the victim.
Victims of extremely violent rape, or those who were assaulted repeatedly or at a very young age,
may need treatment for the rest of their lives.

Oro have endured an endless raping session without recourse from her Rep. Her pride and dignity suffers an unperturbed continuous
perforation from her Rep.

She's now suffering from the pitiable disgraceful ailment called Stockholm syndrome.

She won't talked about this disgraceful act for fear of stigmatization hence this dastard act continues unabated.

It is a humongous problem.


Everyone of Oro descent is a Rep. Anyone doing business and earning a living from Oro is a Rep. Anyone living in Oro is a Rep. Politics we all know in our clime is a game of

Your voting strength is largely
instrumental to the kind of development and attention given to you. This of course is backed up
by patriotic and selfless representatives.

Disenfrachising yourself by refusing to vote or partake in the electioneering process in Oro is not
only foolish but detrimental to the Oro cause and synonymous to shooting yourself in the foot which
is tantamount to rape.

How are you going to make up the number when you don't vote?

How are you going to vote when you have refused to register to vote

It's appalling to say that the entire population of the 5 LGAs of Oro doesn't measure up with the
population of Onna.

Is it not shameful that as educated and exposed as we are, we still choose to remain aloof of the
mysterious decimation of ourselves by ourselves?

What moral justification do you have to criticize your Representative when you don't participate in
the electioneering process of electing your Representatives?

Why wouldn't your selfish Representatives misbehave when you were not part of their election
process, though they can't be excused for that?


The most pathetic culprit/ rapist are the ones who are of Oro descent and live in Oro but erroneously refuse to participate in their future and the future of their kids and generation unborn and turn around to criticize the process and the people involved. A wise man once said, " All it takes for evil to thrive is that good men do nothing".

Closely followed are the ones living in A'Ibom State who refused to take out time and go back to their
locality to register and participate in the emancipation of their place and people.

The Bible made us to understand that Nehemiah left where he was to go back home and helped in the rebuilding of his city.

The Hausas living amongst us rarely miss the opportunity to go back home and participate in the
electioneering process of their locality meanwhile Oro people are in Port Harcourt, Lagos, Abuja, Sokoto, Maiduguri but to mention a few who can't go out to vote in that locality for security reasons and yet won't take out time to come home and

You are all guilty of this heinous crime of rape. It is no longer news that, people regardless of their
exposure and academic qualifications, slaughter truth, intelligence and honesty on the altar of stupid sentiments.

They will use their clout, position, intelligence and all within their powers to sell a rotten apple to the
people who look up to them, despite knowing that the Apple was rotten.

Now the proposed LGA elections is around the corner. The Local Government is the third tier of
the government that is directly an interface between the people and the government hence it should be taken seriously.

Oro loses a lot when we toy with the Local Government elections that was why we shouted for
it to take place.

Get back to base and vote. It is your right!

GoodOmen One will wonder why the GoodOmen have become the single biggest political brand in the state.

The Principal, Barr. Aniefiok Omen Bassey have taken it upon himself and the good people of Oro to sensitize, educate and create an
unparalleled awareness in voters registration and participation.

Barr. Aniefiok Omen Bassey is doing everything within his powers to stir up an enviable enlightenment within the minds of Oro people in
participating in the process of electioneering.

A wise man once told me , " Your political participation today will determine the developmental opportunities tomorrow ".

This is a cross Barr. Omen Bassey and the good people of Oro have decided to bear.

Rape is a crime punishable with life imprisonment. As you continue to rape Oro, Oro keeps sliding into
unholy oblivion of life imprisonment.
This sexual assault and violence must be stopped! This can only happen when you the rapist decide
to change over a new leaf.

Blame the Rapist, not the victim!!
SPEAK OUT! Break the culture of silence!!!

I stand with Barr. Omen Bassey2019

I stand with the GoodOmen

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