Just few days ago, I made a revelation on the state of affairs and being of my Local Government Area (Urue Offong/Oruko). Quite as anticipated, rejoinders by some paid applause makers, road side peasants and carpet beggars surfaced. So today, I went on a fact proving tour to Urue Offong/ Oruko Local Government Council to prove genuine my write-up, thereby debunking totally their so called rejoinder.

Politics they say, is a game of interest but I cannot understand the level of greed in the politics of Urue Offfong no matter what interest is defined.

In politics, someone should work enough to gain victory; but in my LGA, the case is reversed. There is no more excellence of
hard job, dedication and service to humanity. Most times, I wonder apart from politics, whether there is no other
occupation for some persons.

I can set an example of people who remained in politics longer than necessary, not because they have anything to offer – politics has become a free-for-all fight in Urue Offong/Oruko LGA.

For me, politics was to be an entry way to development and service for humanity. People cannot be in the comfort of their own houses to instigate and pay applause
makers, gate keepers, carpet beggars, roadside peasants to project a true document to seem false.

For those who are being used by their paid mistress, my puzzle lies on what will be their gain after trading their destinies for peanut.

May I also bring to the notice of the
general public that these ones mentioned have a lot to pay for trying give truth a lying status – this is the very truth that is capable of bringing redemption to their
generation both born and unborn.

In the three fold achievements of Mrs Precious Selong as mentioned in one of the rejoinders, the following has been
her achievements: education, manpower development and security.

1. EDUCATION: Here, the baby writer has mentioned that the chairperson has paid tuition fees for some students of the Local Government – what a lie from the
pit of hell. My question is, between the payment of bursary and tuition fee, which is much easier? As at yesterday, UNIUYO and UNICAL chapters of the
National Association of Urue Offong/ Oruko Students (NAUOS) had parallel meetings and decided to storm the
council with a protest.

2. MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT: The sinister who misrepresent his own self claims that over fifty (50) persons have been empowered by the chairperson. I challenge Mrs. Selong to come to Urue Offong/Oruko LGA and say that to the people if she will escape stone throws. This one too is also a big lie from the pit of hell.

3. SECURITY: The security of every community is in the hands of God, so no one can claim that he or she installed peace in Urue Offong/ Oruko LGA.

All thanks should go to the Almighty who in his infinite power has given peace and security to the people of Urue Offong/
Oruko LGA. Except the Lord watches over a city, the watchman in vain that watches (Psalms 127:1) It is very common believe that women are the sign of love, care and humility.

They are generally known to be polite, graceful and poised. But the case of Mrs Selong is that of a woman who abuses power and keeps the environment that generates the millions she is enjoying

In the first part of this write-up, I brought to the knowledge of the public that Mrs Selong is the first woman Transition (Caretaker) chairman of Urue Offong/ Oruko and the longest at that. That the chairperson of Urue Offong/Oruko has allowed the beautiful edifice built by her predecessor, Hon. Okon Osung to be dirty without care whatsoever, grasses growing on the
interlocking while the surrounding of the council’s presmises which is fast becoming a forest tells on her capacity and integrity.

So to tell the whole world the truth, I went on a fact finding tour, took some pictures which are actually gory to the eyes in other to reveal the truth.

To my rejoinder writing and overzealous brothers, I want to tell you that posterity will speak out one day what we all represent – be it good or bad.

I am however, not in any position to hold any of you in contempt because I am
aware that you need the peanut to survive. Continue to anticipate more peanuts from your pay mistress to the
detriment of the future of other youths.

I promise that the part three of this write-up will soon come out with elaborate revelations about Mrs Selong’s

Francis Otioro
An Activist in his own capacity.

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