I will start with these two great quotes:-
"Conscience is an open wound, only truth can heal it" - Usman Dan Fodio.
"He who seeks equity must come with clean hands" - Anonymous
From the above aphorisms, it could be assumed that equity and conscience work in pari passu. Their essence it to fill every valley and straighten every crooked path.

It is a common platitude that politics has lost its original essence. However, the loss of such essence and its semantic connotation does not portray loss of our collective consciences, principles and moral values.

People who fail to honor history and recognize antecedence are to me worse than doomed. Such people put agreement in disdain.

This is not going to be a long essay though – I am here to make my own stance towards the forthcoming chairmanship election in my Local Government, Udung Uko known and will further here leave some messages for re-cogitation.

Udung Uko, being the Local Government Area at hand has been in existence for 21 long years, if it were human, it would be considered an adult by now.

It will be quite interesting to note that the local government was formed with an amalgamation of the following communities Udung Uko, Ekim, Uboro Isong Inyang, and Edikor (I stand to be corrected if any error is spotted).

Politically, it is divided into zone A (the majority block) and zone B (the minorities). I understand that for equity and proper sharing cum representation, there was a communal agreement that each block takes chairmanship turn after the other (as was confirmed to me on request by my elder brother Comrade Samuel Duncan).

It may however be that I was not yet conscious about the politics of Udung Uko when such pronouncement was made but I can boldly say I was present at a recent PDP stakeholders meeting where another motion to reaffirm the agreement was moved by Hon. Prince Albertson Atanang and seconded by Hon. Etanguno Owowo.

I wish to believe that the agreement has been standing, that it still stands and is very effective. To put the record straight as it stands, the chairmanship slot favours Edikor being one of the zone B blocks – as nominated and agreed by other blocks of the second zone, (Uboro and Ekim).

Whereas I, Joshua Osung – a young man brought up in a way of truth from a priestly family though formerly supported the aspiration of Engr. Ben Edenseting, and it happens that the pendulum didn’t swing to his direction, whereas also, the pendulum has swung to the direction of Elder Hon. Esin Okon Oku (Elias) whom zoning has favored and has been made the flag bearer of the PDP, I will like to state categorically clear that I shall continue to stand by the truth which stares right into my eyes.

In summation, let me remind the good people of Udung Uko the following as bases for the truth we must represent:

1. If we as Oronians who have been ruing our unending marginalization and oppression from the majorities of Akwa Ibom State cannot see the truth without sentiments, I don’t think we are headed anywhere.

2. Party or whatever affiliation should not shut our eyes to the trampling of the truth, stripping a minority of their right.

3. We must first of all look inward, search ourselves and correct our own internal flaws before throwing tantrums on our purported oppressors.

4. This is a time to prove in our own little ways that we are better than our 'oppressors' and that we wouldn't have been worse than them if we were to be in their position.

5. Let me state again that Udung Uko chairmanship position favours Edikor and I have chosen to stand by the truth, I will do that by supporting Hon. Esin Oku – an Edikor man.

6. I urge the good people of Udung Uko LGA to stick by the truth and give justice, fairness and equity its deserved chance.

Thank you!

Joshua Osung
Converner, Coalition for a New Udung Uko (CONUU)

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