Uhuru Kenyatta to be sworn in for a second term as Kenya's president today after months of electoral violence in the country

Uhuru Kenyatta to be sworn in for a second term as Kenya 

Today, Uhuru Kenyatta will be sworn in for a second term as Kenya's president bringing to a close the protracted electoral saga that has gripped the country in recent months.  

Already, thousands of supporters and dignitaries packed into Nairobi's Kasarani stadium, while outside Kenyan police fired tear gas at some who tried to force their way in, local media reported.
This year's leadership contest has been rife with controversy amid allegations of vote tampering, an unprecedented high court ruling which nullified the initial vote and sporadic bouts of violence in opposition strongholds.

Kenya's Supreme Court ruled last Monday that the October 26 presidential do-over met all the constitutional requirements, paving the way for Kenyatta to take the presidential oath of office again. The opposition rejected the ruling, saying it was made "under duress."

Veteran opposition leader Raila Odinga had boycotted the October rerun, saying it would be unfair because the election commission had failed to implement reforms. Kenyatta won with 98% of the vote.

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