BY: Eba Alobo Ish

With the outcome of the primaries and the results filtering in, I foresee a mixed dice been cast between the two major political parties. Cross River will end up producing lawmakers from both parties as some candidates that have emerged from some parties in some constituencies have lost touch with their people.

The choice before Cross Riverians come 2019 is between performance and good governance. Our people are no longer interested in political parties but individuals. They are tired of this notion of "experience" is the best teacher as reality has shown that some experiences are not worth experiencing a second time.

The eagerness, yearning and clamouring seen on the faces of the people during the APC gubernatorial direct primary is a manifestation of what will play out in the main election.

The people have become more enlightened due to the lack of effective representation witnessed within the period under review. To them it is not about gigantic projects that has no bearing on them. To them it is about the little things that matters to them; those little things that makes them to feel the impact of government. It could be the motorable roads, the schools, the hospitals, the potable water, name it. And so any government that places more premium on gigantic projects with no recourse to these minor ones that touches directly on the wellbeing of the people is considered a 'failure' no matter how dicey their intentions could be. So in all there has to be a balance. One shouldn't focus mainly on the 'big projects' and neglect completely the 'minor ones'.

In all the choice before Cross Riverians in the forthcoming 2019 elections is between 'individuals' who have performed and kept touch with their people over time and 'political parties' who have remained steadfast in their ideologies (if any though). Indeed we look forward to interesting days ahead in our polity.

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