National interests in multi-ethnic nations

A legal wag genuflecting on President Muhammadu Buhari’s latest executive salvo noted that the former infantry general has finally declared “ a rule of war” on the nation. You can trust General Buhari to shoot straight anytime and at any event, not minding the collateral damage or the offence to audience and nation.
Where there is a sitting target, there must be a spare bullet. That he was pooh-poohing the very notion of the rule of law and extolling the subordination of personal freedom to national interest and state security before the most distinguished legal audience that can be assembled by any nation did not seem to cut any ice with the straight-talking and straight-shooting general.
Anybody who did not like what they were hearing can go and jump into the lagoon. The fact that this despotic encyclical was lifted out of context and from a one-off ruling did not matter to the president or his handlers. Overcome by the acrid fumes of sudden ambush, the audience of distinguished advocates and jurists sat transfixed like crusaders’ effigies even as a few smiled back in polite disorientation.
But recovery from stupor was swift for both nation and embattled legal sages.  Presidential pronouncement drew the ire of some leading members of the bar and many distinguished Nigerians.  Since the inception of the Buhari administration, a cat and mouse relationship subsists between it and the nation’s legal authorities. While very few legal authorities were willing to vouch for the president or fall in line with his authoritarian effluvia, many senior advocates lined up behind the supremacy of the rule of law over executive whimsicalities and eccentricities.
Legal experts, relying on Riley’s celebrated intervention, argue that rule of law is the father and grundnorm which takes precedence and priority over national interest. Rule of law in which everybody is equal before the law and civil rights are respected by the state no matter the affront is the juridical foundation of the modern nation and the birth of the citizen as opposed to the royal subject. It is an epic paradigmatic shift from the logic of empire, kingdom or fiefdom and without a nation, there can be nothing like national interest.
So far, the argument has taken place in seedy abstractions and legal hair-splitting without much foundation in concrete reality. There are nations and there are nations. The post-colonial nation in Africa is not exactly like its colonial forbears. It is a seething furnace of ethnic, religious, cultural and economic polarities.
In other words and to employ a philosophical parlance, many African nations are merely nations in themselves rather than nations for themselves. In such circumstances, national interest, rather than being encoded in the national psyche, is embedded in the worldview of the ascendant faction. It is therefore neither fixed nor immutable.
But what are national interests? National interests are the superior values which drive the collective aspirations of the people of a nation in their march towards self-actualization. It is a distillation or aggregation of core values that binds the nation and is binding on the nationals. For example, America is powered by the notion of American Exceptionalism, a quirky messianism which is bought into by the political elite irrespective of party affiliation. In Britain which is a constitutional monarchy, any major state party advocating for the abolition of the English crown knows that it has committed electoral suicide. In Germany or France, no party, however radical, can call for the return of the Kaiser or the Bourbon dynasty without severe consequences.
It is obvious that Nigeria, like many other African post-colonial nations, is yet to evolve a set of core values which will drive its national destiny. In the circumstances, it is the interests of the temporary and transient custodians of state power that will continue to masquerade as national interests until the inchoate and incoherent structure coalesces into an organic entity.
Core values which drive genuine national interest will never emerge in Nigeria until it is ruled by a truly nationalistic and patriotic political class which puts the demands of the nation above ethnic, religious and regional consideration. What we have on going is a mortal struggle among factions of the hegemonic blocs for control of the centre and the humongous national resources. Whenever any of the factions manages to gain ascendancy, it proceeds to mould the nation in its own primordial image without caring a hoot about the injured and the traumatized of the land.
It is in the light of this epic foundational hiatus that President Buhari’s derisive strictures against the rule of law and his insistence on subordinating individual rights to the exigencies of state security and national interest should be analysed and decoded. It is a veiled reference to those clamouring for the release of retired col Sambo Dasuki and the impounded Shi’ttee fanatics. Unless there is a regime change in the nearest future, anybody hoping to see the prince of the Sokoto caliphate very soon had better forget the idea.
To be sure, the president is not without his teeming supporters. There are many who are of the opinion that those who steal the nation blind and who in the process have deprived many Nigerians of their economic rights also deserve to forfeit their political rights and personal freedom. Let them rot in detention until the kingdom comes.
This writer was also initially of that persuasion. Famously, the legal avatar, Gani Fawehinmi, once averred that i if ever a military government were to come to power which brought economic solace and succour to majority of Nigerians, he would look the other way when so called human rights were being trampled upon.
In absolute misery at the plight of his compatriots and in extreme formulation, Gani, in private conversation, went as far as to opine that the only military leader he would give a nod would be a rumpled figure in tattered fatigues who could not even address the nation out of sheer fatigue from dealing with crooks.
The nation has come a long way from pining for and pinning its hopes on military messianism which brought neither political advancement nor inclusive economic growth. This is where General Buhari may be misreading the script and the mood of the nation. In the last three years, the Buhari government has not demonstrated much equity and even-handedness in its dealing with those responsible for the economic adversity of the nation. Indeed to be blunt, the foul stench of partisan and primordial proclivity remains in the air.
This is not the way to aggregate and distil national interest. The spat with Dasuki now smacks more of personal animosity. There is no national interest in the continued detention of El-ZakZaky. Indeed it is against national interest to court the ire of the ferocious and implacable ISIS/ISIL fighting machine. It is more of a Wahabbist/Sunni rally which imperils the nation. And where is the national interest in publicly vowing to jail looters one minute only to be seen the next moment openly fraternizing with frontline economic suspects?
It is these ethical lapses and political shenanigans that are fuelling ethnic resentment and secessionist sentiments in some parts of the country. With the phenomenon of vote-buying assuming a pan-Nigerian efficiency, the economic pauperization of Nigerians is driving their political pauperization with both development and democracy becoming the principal casualties.
We cannot continue with state-lawlessness without endangering a fragile nation that has had too many miraculous reprieves. The fundamental problem facing the country since independence is how to distil and aggregate national interests through core values in a multi-ethnic nation. What is the national ideology in relation to Nigeria’s prime position among the Black race?
This week, the British Prime minister, Theresa May, confirmed earlier report that Nigeria is the global poster boy for extreme poverty and that every single minute seven Nigerians fall below the poverty line. What is our developmental war-cry in relation to a situation of staggering inequality and biblical poverty?
It is now obvious that General Buhari’s solution to the crisis of nationhood is a conservative, law and order administration which brooks no nonsense in its efforts to re-create the nation as a bastion of right-wing reaction. Hence, his remarkable and sacrilegious gaffe about the rule of law. This is an exact and exacting replication of his first coming as a military ruler.
Unfortunately and as this column often insists, you cannot step into the same river twice. The National Question has worsened since the advent of military rule. In homogenous nations, law and order governments often work wonder if only briefly. But in ethnically, religiously and culturally polarized post-colonial nations, they fuel a resurgence of ethnic animosities and primordial resentments such as we are witnessing in contemporary Nigeria. Darkness is visible indeed.
Nigerians themselves will have to choose which way forward. But it is not going to be an easy choice. There are no better guides and teachers than political and economic famishments which are five-star generals in their own right. In many countries of both conservative and radical national ideologies, people choose to forgo personal liberty and political rights for accelerated development which will then lead to liberalization of the political space.
In others, people choose to forgo economic right for political liberty which liberates the political space and eventually leads to more people being lifted from poverty to middle class respectability. But both options are predicated on national cohesion in which the constant fixture is a patriotic and nationalistic ruling class led by visionaries and not Stone Age despots. With anti-democratic populism in ascendancy, it is going to be a long walk to freedom in Nigeria.

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