The Yellow Imperative and its Perils (It is human infrastructure, stupid)

With African leaders swarming The Forbidden City in Peking in search of soft loans and other economic incentives, the phrase Yellow Perilhas now taken on a significant new meaning in the parlance of African political economy. The Chinese Exclusion Act, a xenophobic construct famously espoused by racist nineteenth century America, is now giving way to The Chinese Inclusion Act in many African nations.
For the oldest continent, the yellow imperative is the cornerstone of economic wisdom. Comrade Yuan is set to acquire many more African mistresses. There is a 1954 film known as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. The current movie should be known as Several African Brides for One Chinese Suitor. The Yellow route out of underdevelopment and peonage has never appeared morecompelling. But it comes with its unique perils.
Almost twenty years after Tony Blair, the then British prime-minister, described Africa as the scar on the conscience of humanity, the situation remains very much the same. Many others believe that things have turned nastier. Donald Trump, the foul-mouthed American president, described Africa as a shit-hole. The Blair initiative has come and gone. The English physician has disappeared. But the African patient is still very much a denizen of the Emergency Ward.
Enter then the Chinese dragon. The Chinese are actually no strangers to Africa. Artefacts and antiques from the ancient Mombasa museum in contemporary Kenya suggest Chinese presence and activity around the Horn of Africa between the sixth and ninth centuries.
The Chinese were reputed to have built the greatest ocean-going vessels of the epoch, with their huge masts unfurling in the skies like monster clouds. By the tenth century, Imperial China was regarded as the greatest power the world had seen. This was centuries before America was founded and when much of Europe was in primitive upheavals.
But it was around this period that China began a steep descent into irrelevance as a result of a protracted power struggle between the feudal dynasty and the mandarinate. The country was closed off to external influence. China emerged from the throes of its own self- inflicted isolation only to be confronted by a European version of modernization and modernity which was as economically punitive as it was colonially exacting. China became a whipping boy of Japan, Mongolian invaders and the European powers. England exploited the opportunity of a trade dispute to annex Hong Kong.
In a historical if not exactly cultural sense, it can be seen that Africans and the Chinese have a lot in common. Both are ancient people, with a history stretching back to the rise of human civilization. Both have suffered in the hands of newer and more militaristic civilizations that have subjected their populace to periodic pogroms and economic brutalization. Both have endured summary dismemberment in the hands of invaders.
This is where the comparison must end. Unlike Africa, China has risen from the ashes of destruction and humiliation to emerge as an economic, industrial and military global power. Seventy years bar a few months after the communist revolution of 1949, China is set to surpass the US as the biggest and fastest growing economy in the whole world. In the process, it has succeeded in lifting more people out of the prison house of poverty within the shortest possible timeline in the modern history of humanity.
This is a secular miracle, as stunning as it is staggering. It has been achieved through national discipline, thrift and collective self-denial by a proud but humiliated people who have vowed never to be subjected to such miseries and indignities again by their tormentors. African freeloaders will discover to their shock and chagrin that there is no such thing as free lunch in Peking. Even freedom is not that free.
China is unlikely to throw away its hard-won national prosperity and economic surplus to some profligate African countries without stiff economic and political conditionalities. You cannot love your prodigal neighbours more than yourself. Nigeria and its fellow African supplicants will discover that borrowing is no alternative to burrowing deep into the land with your sleeves rolled up.
The Chinese method is more subtle but ultimately more devastating than the western mantra of fire and brimstone. They will not supervise the loans they have granted you in a humiliating, patronizing and in your face manner. But they will arrive at the appropriate time to collect penalty and apply conditionality. You can ask Malaysia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.  Despite the IMF bluff and bluster, there may well be harder taskmasters than the Bretton Woods institutions. After all, China visits exemplary retribution on its own economic miscreants.
This is where we reach the developmental conundrum for under-achieving African nations. Despite its stupendous wealth, China remains very much a second-tier technological power, its indigenous technology still lacking the cutting edge precision and Teutonic thoroughness of the Germans, the flamboyant flair of the French, the almost manic attention to details of the Japanese, the endlessly inventive and self-surpassing brilliance of the Americans and the finicky, perfectionist genius of the Nordic Europeans.
But it works for them. This has much to do with national character and the individual path to modernity and modernization. Every country must choose its own indigenous path to technological excellence, depending on the stage the subject-object dialectic has reached. You can crash the gear of developmental progress, but you cannot obliterate the fall-out as it is evident in contemporary Chinese industry. They are contented and historically conditioned to consume what they produce.
African countries supplicating at the Chinese altar for mendicant largesse will soon discover that no amount of Chinese mega-loans will furnish a country with its own national plan for industrial and technological take-off. Every country must come up with its own national plan for economic emancipation and technological take off as rigorously laid out and painstakingly executed by its local and indigenous talents. You can borrow technological ideas but they will have to be domesticated and adapted to local needs.
In the end, the development of human infrastructure must take precedence over other infrastructural necessities. It is the development of human infrastructure that powers the development of human societies from time immemorial. This is what is driving the knowledge society and what is now known as the new Industrial Revolution.
Again, it must be stated that this is not a new phenomenon in the evolution of human civilization, depending as it does on the state and stage of the subject-object dialectic. The ancient kings of the emergent nations of Spain and Portugal as well as the numerous Italian city-states who invested in their sailors and encouraged exploration of new routes and the discovery and opening up of new territories were actually investing in human infrastructure without being aware of what they were really up to.
It was this, in combination with other forces, particularly the sacking of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks and the enforced exit of thinkers, philosophers, poets and scientists that led to the Age of Enlightenment and the emergence of a rudimentary version of Western modernity. Even when their civilization is often accompanied by barbarity, as Walter Benjamin famously noted, western civilization has never looked back from that point. The most famous African ruler of this epoch, the fabled Mansa Musa, embarked on a journey to Mecca with all the gold in his dominion.
Here comes the unfortunate snag, the insurmountable contradiction or what is known as antinomy in philosophical parlance for Nigeria and modern African nations. A political elite that is structurally and ideologically rigged against putting its best foot forward, against selecting the best leadership material from among itself to drive national development is not in a position to drive the husbandry and development of human infrastructure. We can wait until the kingdom come and this will not happen unless there is a paradigm-shifting recalibration of the nation’s fundamental architecture.
China, Russia, Vietnam and Cuba overcame this foundational problem through a recourse to revolution which abolished the old structure; England and France through a combination of revolution and evolution; and other European countries together with America through meritocratic democracy which emphasizes individual merits over paddy-paddy shenanigans and kabukabu democracy.
In the process of encoding the tenets and rituals of meritocratic democracy in the national DNA, the western nations also developed educational institutions that are critical and germane to the production of the right leadership cadre as well as the development of human infrastructure. There is no way anybody can think of democracy in western nations without thinking of their leading educational institutions and their roles in leadership development and the harnessing of human infrastructure.
We may heave and haw about this cultural elitism embedded in democratic practice. But the idea of a freewheeling democracy is itself a pious fiction, unless we are thinking of mob rule, which is a different cup of tea altogether and a direct invitation to anarchy. In Nigeria, rather than nurturing them as important bulwark of democracy, we destroy our iconic secondary schools and fabled universities.
Talent is a terrible thing to waste and there is always a terrible price to pay for intellectual pogrom. Anybody who thinks that history happens in the main in an ad-hoc and haphazard manner can be forgiven for not knowing their historical onions. The price is political entropy or permanent disorder which periodically rocks the nation to its very foundation until something gives. Unless we turn our thinking inward to address these foundational issues, no amount of Chinese loans will set the country on the path of rectitude and righteousness. That, unfortunately, is the tragic fact.

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