By Fiakuma Edeke

Even as the current political administration under the watch of His Excellency Gov.  Udom Gabriel Emmanuel has massively gained the unalloyed support of the teeming populace in the State far and wide, the good people of Oro Nation are not left out in their utter show of solidarity and support for the second term bid of the gov. Udom Emmanuel 's administration in the State.

Following the recent appointment of Hon. Uno Etim Uno into the State Executive Council as the commissioner for culture and tourism ,the good people of Oro Nation have reiterated their support and confidence in his Excellency Gov. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel 's administration .

The appointee, a one time house member representing Urue Offong Oruko in the State House of Assembly has been a longtime PDP's faithful and loyalist who had contributed immensely for the progress of the party both at the state level and national.

His recent appointment into the State executive council is a square peg in a square hole following his capacity as a grassroots mobilizer. His wealth of experience in the process of governance need not be overemphasized as he has built himself overtime and everly ready to take up any responsibility at his disposition proficiently without being found wanting.

As a man of integrity and high reputation, Hon. Uno Etim Uno is one of the prominent sons of Oro Nation whose philanthropic gesture to his people has raised him on the pedestal of popular embrace. Oro people have pledged their support for the second term bid of His Excellency, gov. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel as Governor of Akwa Ibom State come 2019. This support for the Governor turned eminent following his all-round achievement in the past three and a half years which has brought uneven developments to the nooks and cranny of Akwa Ibom State .

It is envisaged that with the appointment of Oro Citizen, Hon. Uno Etim Uno to this enviable position in the State, the good people of Oro Nation would be assuaged politically in the face of allege marginalisation and political inequality being the agitation of the people overtime.

Consequence upon the forgoing political development which has thrown the good people of Oro nation in their present state of exhilaration and hopefulness, the people could not afford to continue to withhold their word of appreciation to his Excellency, Udom Gabriel Emmanuel for his show of magnanimity and generosity in his utter elevation of one of the prominent sons of Oro this enviable position in the State .

It is assured that with Hon. Uno Etim Uno in the helms of affairs ,the State will be a good place for tourists' attraction . So therefore, we want to assure the good people of Akwa Ibom State that the future is here even as we once again congratulate our
own son for his elevation to the decision making table of our dear State.

Fiakuma Edeke (Editor- In- Chief)


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