Udom Is Best Performing Governor In Nigeria, Declares Atiku Abubakar

* Rig Elections in A'Ibom, Rig Your Head, Uche Secondus Tells APC

* Atiku Will Transform Nigeria's Economy - Gov. Emmanuel

By Kenneth Jude

Former Vice President of Nigeria and Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the forthcoming elections, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, has described Mr. Udom Emmanuel as the best performing governor in Nigeria.

The Presidential hopeful said Mr. Emmanuel has achieved what no other governor has achieved in the country. "What Governor Udom Emmanuel has achieved in Akwa Ibom, no other state governor has done."

He made the disclosure in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State capital on Monday, when the PDP presidential campaign train landed in the oil rich state.

The event which held at the Godswill Akpabio International Stadium witnessed an unprecedented crowd as supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party thronged the arena to give Atiku Abubakar a rapturous welcome.

Mr. Atiku Abubakar used the rally to unveil his vision for the country, noting that he is committed to get Nigeria working again.  "To get Nigeria working again, I plead with the people of Akwa Ibom State and indeed Nigerians to vote PDP from top to bottom & bottom to top."

He reiterated his position on restructuring, stressing that he'll not only restructure the country, but will be a President for all Nigerians regardless of tribe, tongue or religion.

"When you elect me as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, I will, in partnership with Governor Udom Emmanuel whom you will re-elect, build refineries in Akwa Ibom State. Restructuring which is one of my promises will also have positive impact in Akwa Ibom State. I don't discriminate. I am from Adamawa and I don't care where one comes from. See this young man?  Udim; he is from Akwa Ibom and he has been my personal photographer for years."

While noting that women and youths will constitute 70 percent of his administration, he said he wants to handover the mantle of leadership to youths.

Mr. Abubakar who earlier inaugurated a Green House Farm  initiated by the Akwa Ibom State government located on Airport Road, Uyo, was accompanied to the rally by his running mate, Mr. Peter Obi, PDP National Chairman, Uche Secondus and other top shots of the party.

In his remarks, the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Prince Uche Secondus, warned election riggers to stay off the state, stressing that those who will attempt to rig the upcoming elections in the state will rig their head. Hear him: "I warn those from this state who believe that election here will be rigged;  rig elections here, you rig your head."

Secondus accused the APC led federal government of causing hunger and poverty in the country, adding that the nation is in distress. His words: "Our dear country is in distress and the whole world is watching. The economy has collapsed and people are killed everyday. There is hunger and poverty in the land, caused by the APC government. It is now concluded across the world, that all the actions of Buhari are threats to democracy and existence of our country. Buhari is dangerous for the existence of the country. Nigeria must be liberated," he stated.

He added that Nigerians can no longer keep quiet over what he described as the current administration's disrespect for the legislative and judicial arms of government, adding that Akwa Ibom people have shown that they'll give PDP 100 percent votes by their massive turnout.

Akwa Ibom State governor, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, said the barometer used in measuring anybody contesting to be president of a country anywhere in the world is the person's economic blueprint.

The governor said the presidential candidate of the PDP, Atiku Abubakar, has a clear cut economic blueprint to turn around the fortunes of Nigeria. While noting that it's only the PDP that knows the problems of Nigeria, he stressed that Atiku Abubakar understands the economy given his business background, adding that he'll use it to create jobs for the teeming youths of Nigeria and bring good governance to the country.

He maintained that the massive turnout of the people to the rally is a testament to the fact that PDP is deeply rooted in the state.

"Today we are showing all Nigerians and the entire world that Akwa Ibom state is PDP and PDP is Akwa Ibom. From today going forward, when the detractors will come to Abuja to deceive those who may not know the truth about the state, tell them that the mammoth crowd we witnessed today at the venue of our party's presidential rally has spoken volume that indeed, Akwa Ibom is PDP. Come February 16, 2019, the state will give a resounding vote that will translate into electing the next president of Nigeria in the person of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar."

National Legal Adviser of the PDP, Barr. Emmanuel Enoidem, assured Alhaji Abubakar that PDP is safe and firmly rooted in Akwa Ibom State. He noted that "Nigerians are tired of hunger, poverty, killings and a clueless government led by Buhari."

On his part, Senator Bassey Albert, assured Atiku Abubakar that Akwa Ibom people will vote for him on February 16, adding that Governor Emmanuel will be "returned unchallenged and unopposed, adding, "I assure you on behalf of the National Assembly caucus that we'll re-enact what we did in Akwa Ibom in 2015."

Speaker of the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, Barr. Onofiok Luke, said no matter the level of intimidation, PDP will claim victory in the state. His words: "Your Excellency the incoming President, let me assure you that no matter the level of intimidation, we will stand firm and deliver PDP in Akwa Ibom."

Earlier, the state Chairman of the PDP, Mr. Paul Ekpo, noted that no other party is known in the state except PDP, adding that PDP is a religion in Akwa Ibom.

He said the party has campaigned extensively across all the wards in the state, adding, "we are the people that will bring votes that will make you Nigeria's president. We've campaigned round the 320 wards across the state, and we're ready to deliver all PDP candidates."

Former governor of Anambra State and the party's Vice Presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi, who decried the level of insecurity and  joblessness in the country, said Atiku Abubakar will fight poverty if elected President.

He said Atiku Abubakar knows a lot about education hence will bring it to bear to get Nigeria working again.

His wife, Mrs. Margaret Obi and wife of Akwa Ibom State governor, Mrs. Martha Emmanuel, in their separate remarks, urged Nigerians to vote for Atiku Abubakar and other PDP candidates at all levels in order to ensure a prosperous country.

According to Mrs. Emmanuel: "we want a president that will come in and provide jobs and empower our women so that they can feed their children instead of a government that will impoverish our women and then feed our children in school."

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