Our Girls; Stop Mother of Subsidies- POLITICAL ‘SUBSIDY’; Referendum: One House, Part Time/Sitting Allowances

Our Girls; Stop Mother of Subsidies- POLITICAL ‘SUBSIDY’; Referendum: One House, Part Time/Sitting Allowances 
President Muhammadu Buhari receives one of the Chibok Girls, Miss. Amina Ali and her baby from Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State during a brief ceremony at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Thursday. PHOTO AKIN OLADOKUN
Our Girls are missing since April 15, 2014. Two of ‘Our Girls’ return alive. Amen. Amina and Sarah, ‘Welcome Home’. We mourn the dead and pray for others. Video recorded interviewing will provide evidence of conspiracy and names. Protect them from stress but get information on the kidnap, insiders, destinations, collaborators, locations and evidence against killers of six known dead girls. They must be protected from assassination and suicide bombers.
Pray and help civilians and soldiers, victims of Boko haram and the Fulani herdsmen/Farmers War.
Eyes, striking or not, are on Nigeria’s rocketed fuel price. The Vice President was asked to announce a high price; leaving room for the President to ‘magnanimously’ compromise with a halfway price before the May 29 Democracy Day corruption exposé. Nigeria must pass the Petroleum Industry Bill and privatise. Cheap fuel is the only God-given ‘palliative’ Nigerians ‘enjoy’, now misappropriated in the corruption of cabals, military and political classes. Generators take 40-50% of fuel purchases. Electricity, under 2,000Mw, is a DISGRACEFUL CITIZENS’ BURDEN IN 2016 and an unacceptable socio-economic, noise and air pollution environmental disaster crippling Nigeria’s quality and quantity of life.
Is there a fuel ‘subsidy’? A banana, ‘indigenous’ to Nigeria cannot sell at the same price in Nigeria as in the UK where it is as an ‘import’. Our refinery incompetence fed by a massive corruption condemned Nigeria to a viciously expensive corrupt cycle of ‘export of oil- foreign refineries- import petrol, diesel and kerosene -PDK’. A Saudi Arabian oil barrel is produced at $10. Nigeria’s nko? The price change should have been after Nigeria’s fuel needs are met from local refineries and a reasonable electricity power supply, say 10,000Mw out of the needed 160,000Mw. These would cancel generator-use, every business’s nightmare, costing Nigerians too much ‘Time and Trouble’ and rubbishing profits.
To misquote: ‘But I know there is another subsidy in Nigeria’. Yes there is a far bigger subsidy – unwilling subsidising of the political and milito-political class since forever. The greed and impunity grew and politicians including presidents dipped their greedy party-protected hands into every budget taking ‘subsidised’ 10-50% FOR THE PARTY AND FAITHFUL -the money thus stolen was meant to save children, educate youth, deliver pregnant women, fill the national pothole and provide electricity and produce honest Nigerians.

If it is true that ‘The Fear of Buhari’ and the SANITISED CLEAN AND LEAN BUHARI BUDGET has cut their apparently corrupt subsidy access then even a CLEAN AND LEAN BUHARI BUDGET will grow more kilometres, drugs and books than the past budgets steeped in corrupt padding, diversion and 30-50% ‘forced subsidy’ to the ruling party.
What is the cost-benefit to us of our expensive and corrupt political class? Do we need so many? Can Buhari lead Nigeria to recover from the odour of systemic corruption in the nose of Cameron and the world? Can we force the political, military, civil servant and contractor –PCC- classes to stop taking this ‘forced subsidy’ and become changed so Nigeria can recover its patrimony before 2019 elections?
Our Nigeria in May 2016 cannot afford the past debilitating corruption or the MOTHER OF ALL ‘FORCED SUBSIDIES’-THE ‘LUXURY LIFE-STYLE POLITICS’ of 1999-2015. Nigeria cannot afford American political lifestyles. ‘The Nigerian professional politician’ must stop taking ‘forced subsidies’ by misappropriating budgets perpetrating moral and financial corruption. We were a rich people made poor by corrupt subsidised politics. Compare the colossal amounts ‘illegally legally’ acquired and mentioned in court to the poor ‘quality of leadership’ and ‘governance’ and poor ‘services’.
Paradoxically the ‘Nigerian professional politician’ lives a luxurious lifestyle too high ‘above the people’. It is funded by an unwilling Nigeria through ‘legalised’ stolen subsidies which destroy Nigeria’s reputation and has brought Nigeria to international disgrace with political violence, SAP, profligacy and self-protectionist laws. These laws, at variance with the  will of the peoples, were made by the Sinate and House of Mis-Representatives, confirming the pariah Nigerian political class as greedy and self-serving and out of touch with the Nigerian economic reality.
Sinators, there is no longer a ‘fattened Nigeria cow to milk dry’ or pontificate to. Nigeria cow don nearly die! Reduce your appetite for our tiny national cake.
Citizens, please work and pray, text, tweet Sinators to have a cathartic conversion to non-greedy ‘Volunteer Nigerian Nationalist Politicians’ taking a sabbatical from their ‘FORCED SUBSIDY’ LIFESTYLE of SAP, Salaries Allowances Perks, and introduce legislation for PART TIME and TINY SITTING ALLOWANCES. If not, for national economic survival, Nigerian civil and all society must organise a REFERENDUM AND MOBILISE SOCIAL MEDIA VOTES AGAINST FORCED SUBSIDY IN POLITICS [Political Parties taking/stealing from the budget] and to get constitutional restructuring of National Assembly (NASS), closure of Sinate, making the House of Representatives  the single UNICAMERAL HOUSE – PART TIME WITH SITTING ALLOWANCES. The current ‘FORCED SUBSIDY/STEALING FROM THE BUDGET POLITICS’ has cheated Nigeria of 50 years development. The economic and political reality is ONE HOUSE IS CHEAPER THAN TWO. Ideally states should pay its members in NASS absolving the Federal Government of that burden. SAY NO TO FORCED SUBSIDY GREEDY POLITICS WITH MANIPULATED/STOLEN FUNDS FROM BUDGETS. REMOVE THE MOTHER OF ALL FORCED SUBSIDY – POLITICAL SUBSIDY- BEFORE IT KILLS NIGERIA! POLITICIANS & POLITICAL PARTIES: STOP STEALING FROM THE BUDGET! ‘Commot Your Eye’. POLITICIANS – GET A DAY JOB! Nigerian Political Parties must behave like political parties abroad, effectively Non-Governmental Organisations, NGOs, funded by members whose sole return is a political appointment or good governance, NEVER BUDGET ACCESS.

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