Commissioner of Police, Awunah visits NUJ ...Solicits Media's support against crime

Akwa Ibom State Commissioner of police, CP. Don Awunah has called on the media to partner with the Force in order to win the the war against crime in the State.
Awunah who made the call on Wednesday when he paid a courtesy visit to the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Akwa Ibom State Council at the Press Centre, described the media as partners in
progress, adding that the media should focus more on development journalism.

CP Awunah who was accompanied on the visit by the PPRO of the Force, DSP Chukwu Ikechukwu and other top ranking members of the Force noted that the media has a vital role to play in the sustenance of peace in the society.

Describing the media as his constituency, he stated that the press must see themselves as agents of growth in the society.

Hear him: "The press must see itself as agents of growth. They should focus on development journalism rather than fan the embers
of discord.

The media should enlighten the people through their reportage rather than spread fear that is more dangerous than crime." He called on the media to place the collective
interest of the larger society above their personal goals, noting that the pen which is a potent tool
for the media should be used to enhance the peaceful coexistence of all and sundry.

"The police works with arms and ammunition but journalists carry the mighty pen. Both can come together to make the society better.

I have travelled wide across the country and I can say that no State has a more vibrant media than
Akwa Ibom State. The press is vibrant here. No State in the country has such number of newspapers as it is the case here. There's the desire to keep the people informed on issues and government activities. But this vibrancy should not be used to sow seeds of discord but used for
community safety and unity. Let's use the media to develop the State and not bring it down."

CP Awunah pledged his commitment to rid the state of crime and called on the citizens to always
give timely information to the police in order to facilitate the fight against crime in the State.

He added that without the cooperation of the media and members of the society, the task of fighting crime will be difficult.

"without your cooperation, it will be difficult for us to succeed. We call on the media and the people to partner with us. Don't go with the agelong mindset that once you report
anything to the police, you become a suspect. No.

The police is your friend. I am well armed to rid the state of crime. I am here to serve. My success cannot be translated into excellence without the media and Akwa Ibom people. So far so good, I've not had any negative spotlight.

I thank the media for their support even as I call on them not relent in their efforts." On the insecurity in Ukanafun, he explained that the police has conducted investigations and made several arrest irrespective of who is involved, adding that it's unfortunate that the situation in the
area has been over dramatised.
"We've conducted investigations and made arrests irrespective of status.

Some People are in court, I was there recently and my men are there
patrolling. Preliminary investigations reveal that there is a tussle over village headship. Young boys
think they are laws.

For every crime that has to do
with human life, we've made a breakthrough." He stressed that the killing of a yiung man at a barbing saloon in the area recently is linked to cult war.

"The death at a barbing saloon in Ukanafun is linked to cult war. When it comes to adminstration of justice, there are many pillars. All put together, brings justice. We have dominated Ukanafun with our men." He called on people of the area to be
courageous and cooperate with police. "The community should come together and say no to
crime. We are aware that some of these criminal elements come from other places to infiltrate Ukanafun. People commit crime elsewhere and
escape to emanation.

We're gathering intelligence
and embarking on joint operations. Ukanafun is safe. We're ensuring peace and tranquillity in the state," he stated.

On his team's preparation for the Local Government election in November, he said that the
police is planning to succeed. "Police facilitates democracy, we are planning to succeed and we'll
succeed. Ours is to make sure the process is successful. We're not partisan. We're for Nigeria.

We're ready to facilitate the process." Awunah also cautioned vigilante groups against carrying weapons, stressing that they do not have any constitutional right to carry arms. He warned them not to take laws into their hands but should always interface with the police and allow the Force carry out its constitutional responsibility where necessary.

In his remarks, the Chirman of NUJ, Elder Patrick Albert, thanked CP Awunah for deeming it fit to visit the media, adding that he is the first CP to visit the press centre with his top management team.

"We don't take this for granted. We take this visit very seriously because you have shown friendship.
You represent a modern policeman. You've shown that from day one, you came to serve Akwa Ibom people. You've also shown today that police is our friend.

Akwa Ibom State media is one of the most vibrant in the country. We were miles aware when I came in 2013 but today, that gap has closed.
Government now knows that we're partners in progress. you cannot wish the media away. Recently, I said that the media has the character of a choir where each person sings a different part but at the end, achieve harmony. If we do
something different, we won't land well." Elder Albert called on media professionals to ensure ethical compliance in their reportage.
"We're gatekeepers hence not every story should be published. Media practitioners should do more
on gatekeeping in order to protect the general interest of the society.
The Media is not above the law. The most important thing is the growth of the society."

He urged journalists to always report issues accurately. He pledged the suppport of the media
to the police in the battle against crime, adding that the union will not relent in calling journalists
who run foul of expectations to order. The two-term Chairman of NUJ, assured the CP of partnership while calling for cooperation with the
police in the area of media intelligence.

"We'll partner with you. Let's collaborate in the area of media intelligence. It's important because it will save us from post crime management."

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