God's Word never tells a lie

By Anita Micheal

Somethings are spiritually discerned by beings who although are in Physical bodies are not accountable to their bodies.

See this life? Nobody has the right to force you to be what you're not,
but excuse me to take my leave if you think that because God gave us will power and the right to choice, that you are unaccountable to Him and so every time your body says 'Go next door and kill the neighbors' baby, she makes too much noise.

Nobody will know,' you should obey.
I'll tell you the hard-to-accept truth you don't want to hear:
You are slave to your own body. Fancy that! You that is not a 'religious hypo,' and you keep making an issue out of the so called 'religious practices,' the whole truth is, although to some people, your opinion may make sense but deep
within, you wish you'd really understand these 'Jesus folks.'
But we don't expect you to ever accept that.

Because as far as 'this' life is concerned, there most always be Cons and Pros. Besides, how can
you understand even if we tried to explain? There is a Spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding.

School cannot teach you this. This isn't Education. It's Revelation.
Sorry bro, these things are Spiritually discerned.

My name is Anita Michael and I remain proudly an Ambassador of God's Kingdom.

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