FAITH part 1

One would wonder what is so peculiar about this topic. Well, the doctrine of faith in the bible is the fundamental foundation upon which the Christian religion is based.

The biblical definition of faith is found in the book of Hebrews. 'Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen' Heb11:1.

Faith is very prolific and has various
verbal cognates attached. It is the expression of the confidence that you have in God.

Faith is an acronym to FORSAKING All I TAKE HIM. In this lesson, we shall
discuss what faith is and the challenges of this biblical concept to believers.

Subsequent lessons will take a deeper look at the kind of faith given by God to all men plus the benefits of exercising such Measures of Faith.

There are four levels of faith and every individual falls into either of these categories.

Due to the cumbersome nature of this topic, only the first kind of faith will be
discussed in these lessons, I call this first kind of faith 'Static' faith.

The other three kinds of faith are discussed at length and clearly elucidated in my book, to be published in the near future, God willing before the end of
this year.

The book incorporates selected inspirational articles that we have sent out over the years, plus much deeper teachings with the view of giving believers access to various biblical teachings, particularly those who wish to dig deep and broaden their horizon of theological
concept in the Word of God.

The topic of Faith is so crucial in the sense that, the bible says, without faith it
is impossible to please God.

Such is its importance! It follows that it must be regarded as one of the major
fundamental doctrines in the bible and every believer must comprehend its significance thoroughly.

Understand that the opposite of faith is doubt. The enemy delights in robbing children of God of their blessings by introducing doubts in them.

The truth is, the devil will always put a
giant where God gives a promise. We are all subjective historical beings, it follows that we can in actual fact transcend our own belief system in order to achieve total objectivity.

It therefore boils down to a matter of Choice and Free will. The crux of the matter is; Who do you choose to believe? The concept of faith calls into question
the philosophy of mind Control.

One of the strange dichotomies in life is relinquishing control and giving it 'all'
up to Jesus. If by definition faith is the evidence of things not seen, then invariably it renders man's faculty
momentarily obsolete and subjected under a higher form of deity.

The human nature has a natural tendency to resist any form of control. For the true believer however, this is not a hard choice and for the truly regenerated Christian even less daunting. The challenges nevertheless becomes glaringly obvious in the face of having to truly exercise these God given measures of faith.

Our next lesson will look into what I call 'Static' faith. May I ask you to please pray that the children of God will grasp the totality and portentous of the concept of Faith.

Pray that they will understand that '...WITHOUT FAITH IT IS
God bless you all.

From, Pastor Tina.

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