Politics over the years

By Marshal Abia

Politics over the years has been misconstrued to mean amassing wealth, accumulating more resources and maximizing profit by all means.

Politics should not be seen as a desperate means to livelihood.

This qualifies why politicians are
willing and can do anything deadly just to actualize their unrealistic wealth zone.

This is a very unethical notion
One should think of contributing to the society to better the lots of the masses.

By so doing, the real essence of political participation would be achieved.

We should try as much as possible to discourage those politicians whose cardinal objective is to make quick money with no good intention of changing the lives of others.

Let's examine our conscience to see if the genuineness of our aspiration is in line with our "godly" thoughts.

Even in our subconsciousness,
we know what is right but it's so unfortunate we don't want to do the right.

I refuse to align with the politics of "settlement"
Let's get it straight for once... This, we desire!

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