By Bassey Ekpaha Silver

Tobi and Clara's own miracle came few days afterward. It took Clara tears and pleading for Tobi to accept to meet
a counselor. At the counselor's office, Clara was more of a spoke person than Tobi. Tobi conceded everything
beneath the curtains of spirituality.

Pastor Kate easily gathered that the problem wasn't with Clara but Tobi. "
I think Clara requires too much time during sex. One or two minutes is enough. We have other things to do" Tobi
concluded with all amount of seriousness. Pastor Kate sat down arms akimbo. " you touch your wife for only one or two minutes I guess? Do you romance her at all?" Pastor Kate asked.

"no" Clara jumps it. " my husband claims on me, straight to the point, and he comes down" Clara retorted.

Tobi sat down looking confused, he didn't know whether to put up a defense or give up. Noticing his unease spirit, Pastor Kate asked Clara to excuse them. "

Tobi, I don't doubt your Christianity and your ability to put your home together, but you see, sexual problem is the reason most Christian marriages are ruined.

This is because Christian couples often spiritualize things and fail to understand how consequential sex is to marriage. God
himself created it not the devil. And if your wife had taken this matter to court you would face public humiliation when people get hear that a pastor can't
satisfy the wife he married " at that point, Tobi felt totally defenseless.

He discovered for the first time he
needed cure for his marital crisis." we can make this marriage work if you are ready to cooperate" Pastor Kate added.

"Mama, the challenge I'm having now is
cause by my father. He told me the Bible says any boy caught with a girl should be be buried alive. He said it was a sin, and such sin was the reason God open the
ground and swallowed the Israelite in scriptures. And also HIV/aids was God's curse to mankind; and since then I
swore to celibacy.

I have been a very lonely person and
worse of all, I detest female companies. I married because the church insisted that before i can be ordained a pastor, I must be a married man. I picked Clara because
I felt as a spiritual person, she won't have time for all this sex stuff. We are only going to allow my semen fertilize her ovaries so we could bring about children"
Tobi explained.

That explanation did the miracle. Pastor
Kate took a while and took Tobi through passages that would debunk his earlier orientation on God's stand on relationship among boys and girls and gave him a fresh stand on sexual matters.

Afterwards, she called Clara in,
"marriage is a school that has no graduation date. We are in marriage to learn and be taught. But the secret of
this marriage school is couples should apply the principles of humility.

Clara, there is what we call complementarity in marriage, you add up for what he doesn't have vise versa. Make your sexual life a class and not a war room.

Tobi will explain later to you what we talk about and agreed on. Let's pray! "

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