Ayade Recruitments Scam Part Two

Few days ago, I did the part one of my series on the recruitment scam going on in the Ayades led administration.

I refer to the Ben Ayade administration
as the Ayades because under this kindergarten administration, government has been reduced to a family
business and someone (Frank Ayade) we never elected has unceremoniously become the final decision maker for
Cross Riverians.

This topic of course is for another day
when I'll review my article titled "Frank Ayade : The Reappearance of Cross River Unelected Governor ".

Now back to the main issue for today which is the impunity and scam on the guise of employment.

The focus of my last article was the fraudulent way the 1,500 Cross Riverians Ayade used for propaganda and media hype have been abandoned two years after their names were published as Green Police (Green Sheriff) recruits.

The Special Adviser Technical, Eric Akpo who announced that the people will be engaged this year struggled to defend his position when I called him out to do so last week.

Eric, deceitfully tried to market another lie but this time we cut him on the spot. He said they are "recruits" that will be employed.

May be he probably imagined that those
he was talking with were as gullible as himself and a few other appointees who lack the knowledge of simple tenses to have understood that recruits in the context means employed.

To cut the long story short, Eric demonstrated that lie is inherently pathological in anybody associated
with Ayade as he resorted to cheap lies in defending the seeming abandonment.

For today, my focus will be the supposed recruitment of 1000 teachers who have also been been left grueling.

On the 30th of August 2016 at about 16:43, Cross Riverians were greeted with the news of the Governor's approval of a request from the State Universal Basic
Education Board , SUBEB to recruit 1000 teachers.

This followed up with a call for application in a letter signed by the SUBEB Chairman, Dr. Stephen Odey.

Thousands of job seekers across the state received this news with great excitement even when they were conditioned to submit their applications only at the
headquarters in Calabar.

As expected, they rushed in and submitted their application thereafter had aptitude test.

But since then the recruitment process has ended like every other thing associated with Ayade.

No updates on the development till today. 30th of this month will make it one full year since Ayade sold this scam to the people.

In fact, rather than continue with the process, the arrogant and recalcitrant SUBEB Chairman devised another means to cover up for their incompetence and ineptitude.

Attention was diverted from recruitment to screening/verification of teachers they didn't employ.

We were told over 4000 ghost teachers were discovered after the exercise while about 700 were cut with fake certificates.

Ordinarily, one would have said that the abandonment of the recruitment was because of the exercise but many months after the exercise was concluded, the story about the recruitment has remained the same.

If about 4000 thousand fake teachers were uncovered as alleged and the
Governor approved 1000 recruitment initially, we should ordinarily be hoping to see 5000 new teachers.

The reason is simple. If the government had the resources to carter for 4000 who were allegedly ghost workers and there's provision for the recruitment of
additional 1000 then there's enough money to engage 5000 people.

But this may never happen as the Ayade
government lives and feed in lies.

After poor unemployed youths were cajoled to travel from far and near for the recruitment test, the Governor who
has little or no conscience has left them wallowing in pains and agony.

Most of them borrowed transport fare
to their various exams centre with the hope that when they are employed, they will pay back. At least, I remember borrowing a friend who came from Abuja for the test some money but till today, I can't even ask him to pay back because he was scammed.

Although, I warned him against coming!
What keep baffling Cross Riverians is whether Ayade is usually under any sort of pressure to make approvals or promises he cannot keep. The lies, scam and fraud has further showed how the Ayades are taking Cross Riverians for granted.

They are playing with our intelligence and sensitivity that requires every right-
thinking person to speak out.

While the real people that applied for the jobs have been left in regret, it is alleged that the most powerful Cross Riverian in recent time, Frank Ayade in connivance with the leadership of SUBEB have dubiously filled the vacancies with some family members and loyalists.

They have also allegedly added more ghost workers to lock down the vacancies.

While this allegation may be untrue considering that the SUBEB Chairman is a proud and arrogant person that
would not want to work under the instructions of Frank, but when you weigh the influence he (Frank) has in this
government, you will be compelled to have a rethink.

Whether or not Frank, an albatross to the development of Cross River has infiltrated the place, the teeming
youths who invested their time and resources for this recruitment deserve explanation from government.

If the exercise has died permanently, they should be told otherwise, I call on the Governor and the SUBEB leadership to expedite action to complete the exercise.

They should come out clean in this because Cross Riverians want to see a fair and transparent recruitment of 1000 teachers as well as the replacement of the about 4000 purported ghost workers.

In any case, when this call is not adhered to, Cross Riverians will come out in their numbers to demand the whereabout of the millions budgeted for the recruitment

A stitch in time saves nine!

Inyali Peter

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