TO HELL WITH GOD episode 2

Although it was against the rules of the occultic world to divulge the secrets of the grandmaster to anyone, but Pius' love for his wife couldn't let him. . THE WHOLE IDEA OF JOINING THE OCCULT WORLD WAS TO PUNISH GOD.

"the grandmaster promised to give me a job, money, influenced and anything. I am commanded to sacrifice one of my children every year; and bury the death child in front of my house. Each morning, I will walk on their grave and speak what ever I wanted and it will become mine" he explained. "so what happens when there are no more children for the sacrifice?" Bibi asked with bitterness.

" then the grandmaster will know I have paid my complete dues and... . I will be given five more years to live.. There after I will..... I will...... Die .. '' at that point, Pius bent his face to the ground and wept." Bibi, please don't hate me.

I did this for you. I was tired of seeing you, a graduate, hawking moi moi in the street just to provide for us to eat. I was tired of seeing you sell your jewelries and cloths just to pay our children's fees! Those were my responsibility but I couldn't help it.

I love you Bibi! All I want is to make you happy! You have sacrificed so much for me!" My heart bleeds each time my child makes a little request and I couldn't even provide for them! " he cried.

" but the children you wanted to provide for are death ? How could we bring them to this world just to kill them and stay wealthy Pius? Will they ever forgive us in their graves? What about God? " Bibi asked. 'to hell with God...! He is more monstrous than myself"



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