TO HELL WITH GOD episode 1

She sat arms akimbo as friends of the husband lead Tim, her third son, to the graveyard. Tears rolled freely from Bibi's face. Later that same day, Pius returned with a new car and gave the keys to Bibi. " what's this for?" she asked.

" to make you happy" Pius replied. " so after burying my third son, what I should do next is ride a new car? I have buried three sons in one year and all my husband thinks of is buying new car? I carried them for nine months, need I remind you! I watched them grow, play and joked! Like every other mother I had dreams for them! But where are they today? Pius, those graves there lies my three children; ever since you got this sudden government contract, it has brought me nothing but pains! I liked it better when I knew the man I married! " she said.

" would you have preferred we continue in poverty? " Pius asked. " Yes! I would rather have my children run around me in poverty than lost all of them in wealth! weren't we happy when we were poor? Didn't you enjoy those moments when Tarry, Jerry and Tim run to welcome you, calling you daddy? When did you became this monstrous Pius? At that point, Pius broke in tears: " I'm sorry my wife.

I couldn't bear the pains of seeing you suffer just because you married me. I couldn't stand your mother's name calling....! " "but what about Judgement day? What will you answer God? "Bibi asked.

" I will remind God those prayer points he failed to answer. I will remind him those days my children slept hungry because I failed to provide food for them. Why is he now concern when they are death? Where was he those moments they cried to bed hungry? where was God during my moments of trials.

To be continued.....


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