TO HELL WITH GOD episode 5

The occultic men were hindered access to the house by Pius.

He poured out his heart heavily "take your money back! I am tired of this devilish contract! Must I loose and two legs to get one hand? " "it matters which of them is important " replied Philip. It was Philip's sudden wealth that made Pius join the occultic world.

Philip why? Why didn't you tell me this whole thing was going to crumble my world? I'm worse than a beast before my wife.

You have build a monstrous father and husband out of me! How do I face the world! " Pius cried in frustration." but you are now wealthy" Philip replied in anger.

" what is the need of the wealth when the children that ought to enjoy it are death? '' Pius asked. "what about me, I sacrificed my mother and only sister just to get wealthy. You think I don't miss them? I do. They gave their all to me... Yet I paid them back by shedding their bloods! Don't you think I too feel monstrous too? But this is a price we have to pay! Even in church, people give offering" Philip replied with a bit of regret.

"But not that of life! Not sacrificing the people that matters most! I should have listened to my wife, in poverty we had happiness and love, in wealth we cry and shed bloods. Which is better? Pius asked.

" act like a man Pius!" Philip screamed. "I'm tired of playing manliness. I need my kids back!" "there is no going back young man" came the voice of the occultic grandmaster.

"Maybe I should let you know why we wanted you. You were never our major target. We wanted the destiny of your generation unborn. We desired to destroy the stars of your children to the fourth generation.

To achieve this, we needed you. And we still need you because there is still one more left" "I would rather die than let you kill my only surviving child" Pius replied with all bitterness.

"You mean this has not been about making us wealthy? You mean this has been about wiping out the destiny of our generations unborn? "Philip asked in shock.

It was as if a veil fell off his face. This arouse several questions in the minds of the newly converted occultic men.

They were lured in by ignorance. For Pius, The questions in his minds were: who then is a monstrous God? Who then is the God that takes and gives nothing in return?

To be continued.....


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