A strange finger stroke Peter and he felled to the ground. Pius picked him up and ran out. He was determined to see his only surviving child alive.

Already he was fade up with the demonic contract. But where could he take the son to? A shrine or the church? How would he return to a God he called "monstrous".

Bibi saw the confusion in her husband's face and stood by him. "let's go to church" she said." how do I face a God I called monstrous? Would he even save my child? " Pius replied amidst tears.

" I agree that we have departed from the truth, but I think there is still hope for us. If we could trust the lies of the devil, why can't we give God a chance?"Bibi's word touched Pius. The pastor was in the office when the couple arrived.

He was in church to prepare for the mid week service. It was Bibi who approached the Pastor. Pius stood with a guilty conscience. He knew he had drilled away from the truth for long.

The pastor led him through a confessional prayers and Pius surrendered to God again. Peter became well again after the three days dry fasting ordered by the pastor..

The properties were sold and money was given to the motherless babies' home. It was Peter himself who redefined who really was the monstrous God in his testimony after he got a job as an accountant in the civil service.


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