- Seeks for partnership on Students grassroot mobilization
- ALGON Chairman extols Comrade Bishop Edemumo Jnr on outstanding leadership qualities
- Affirms ALGON committment towards meeting student demands as Two (2) Worldwide Presidents recieves immediate appointment as Special assistant to their Chairmen on Students affairs...

The Chairman of Eket local government and the leader of the Association of local government of Nigeria (ALGON) - Hon. Frank Archibong today led delegates from ALGON to have an audience with the local government students association Worldwide Presidents across the 31 local government areas of Akwa Ibom State.

Speaking on behalf of the worldwide Presidents, Comrade Friday Edemumoh who is the President of Oron Local government students worldwide and Chairman of the Supreme Council of Worldwide Presidents in Akwa Ibom State thanked the leadership of ALGON for granting the council an audience and extol them for their students' friendly disposition.

Comrade Edemumoh stated that the role of students as it's concerns effective and successful electioneering victory cannot be underrated in a rapid growing environment like the one we have found ourselves.

"There is a great need to inculcate this group and give us a  sense of belonging. The most final and decisive effort to rekindle the common hope of an average Akwa Ibom child studying in any tertiary institution across the globe should commence now. There is need to enact and kickstart the Akwa Ibom Students mentorship and leadership  scheme. This scheme will create an aura of interaction between the elderly and younger generation thereby becoming a tool to learning, connection and association". He stated.

As the leader of the supreme council of local government students association Worldwide Presidents, I  listen to the concerns of the members of my council  about unfulfilled expectations, frustrations and sometimes disillusionment. Yet I still see the excitement, determination and hope on their faces.

He cried over the many challenges the students are facing in their respective local government areas while noting that the students' leaders have stood their grounds and have refused to give up on this structure.
... It is inspiring that amidst difficulties and growing anxiety over the future of our state, our people have refused to succumb to despair and hopelessness. This  gives me immense hope and has reiterated my determination that together we will break down the barriers that have made stagnation possible, to all inclusive leadership, to comprehensive development, to physical growth and social responsibilities. Comr. Friday Edemumoh Stated.

The Special assistant to the Governor on students' affairs - Comr. Aquilla Otobong Akpan in her speech thanked the students for making reasonable demands and not seeking for personal and selfish gains.

Speaking on behalf of NANS cadre -Comrade Mike Ibanga - The Public Relations Officer of NANS ZONE B reiterated on the need for the students community in Akwa Ibom State to take responsibilities and be part of the process of securing the future and that of our generation unborn by giving an unwavering support to the reelection bid of His Excellency, Deacon. Udom Gabriel Emmanuel.

Reacting to the demands of the students among delegates from ALGON were local government Chairmen of Okobo - Hon. Ubuo Ubuo E , Hon. Israel Idasin of Ini and Comrade Udemeobong Bassey of Nsit Ubium respectively. They thanked the students for their cooperation and admonished them to be good ambassadors of their respective L.G.A.

The Chairman of ALGON - Hon. Frank Archibong in his speech commended the students' leaders for their level of organization and promised to partner with them in delivery of dividends of democracy to students at the grassroot level.

"I am very delighted within me today with what I have seen. I am convinced that the future is secured. Looking at the demands you all have made today, it is for the growth and total emancipation of an average classroom student. I congratulate you all". He stated.

Among the demands made by the students were:

-Introduction of  ALGON education empowerment scheme which shall include Payment of bursaries to students, awarding scholarships and research project aides across the 31 local government Chairmen of Akwa Ibom State
-Payment 50,000 subvention monthly to worldwide Presidents in their respective L.G.A for the day  to day running of their respective associations and onward servicing of the students structure.
- Appointment of each worldwide President as Personal/Special Assistant to their respective Chairman on students affairs to enable them have a close range in channeling the needs and  challenges of the students.

Highpoint of the event was the appointment of   Comrade Enwongoabasi Akpan - Worldwide President of Nsit Ubium Students and Comrade Ifiokobong Akanimo - Worldwide President of Eket  L.G.A students by their respective Chairmen as Special Assistant on Students' matters.

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