Quite a few people will doubt the political finesse of Hon. Samuel Ufuo. This class of people might not even be up to 3%.

Hon. Samuel Ufuo has carved a niche for himself and has succeeded in becoming a phenomenon already. He has succeeded in instilling hope in the youths.

He has this charismatic and visionary leadership style that makes one feel Oro is fast recovering lost grounds. It's quite a huge prospect and has also led to new knowledge that what money cannot do more money won't either but intelligence and wisdom.

Yesterday, Mbo PDP stakeholders gathered in the council hall to fashion out a way forward. Every one else had spoken. Once it was time for the Aristotle of the Sixth Assembly to speak, I could sense how the hall was silent and our most adorable MP did not disappoint. He made certain statements which I'd rather not say here. From those statements I could see a man with immense love for Oro and audacity of hope. This speech earned him a thundering applause. It was actually a call for Oro to brace up.

I know this man as a strategist. If you ignore him, you'll only be left licking your wounds. Needless moving around with chips on your shoulder. Embrace the fact that Ufuo is on a rescue mission. The least we can do is give him our support.

God bless Hon. Samuel Ufuo
God bless Mbo
God bless Oro.

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